Laws of Mind – Cause and Effect


Hello friends 🙂,

How about a journey into the complex world of the mind? The contradictions we experience in our inner world, the mysterious reasons behind our decisions… So, how can you find your way in this maze of the mind? (Cause and Effect Relationship)

This week we will enter a new topic and begin to explore the mysterious laws of the mind. 🌟

Laws Of The Mind (1)Cause and Effect

In the world of psychology and science, there is no such thing as “surprise”. Every action has a cause and every behaviour has a consequence. Your past decisions shape your present. Your future is written based on your current choices.

Be the Author of Your Own Life

This is what you need to understand;
The good or bad things that will happen to you are determined by your actions today…
So, your future will be determined by the decisions you make today!

Now you may be asking, did I choose all the bad things that happened to me?
The answer is unfortunately “YES”…

  • When that man said ” Let’s share the bill?” at the dinner he invited you to, you chose to say “yes”, and then you chose for him to settle in your house and to be financially dumped on you!
  • When that woman told you that she liked you a lot but was actually still married, you chose not to turn this relationship into a public relationship!
  • When that man shouted at you or slapped you for the first time, you chose to suffer violence in this relationship by not leaving that man right then and there (alcohol is usually the excuse)!
  • You chose to be cheated on by not ending the relationship when that man said “I am a polygamist, I am not ready to commit to anyone”!
  • Even though you have a lot of money, you chose to be cheated when you signed blank papers in order to earn more money!

If not on a conscious level, on a subconscious level, a lot of things that happen to you
In fact, with what you have been taught / learnt until today
you didn’t have a different choice to make.

But remember, every new day is a new beginning. Today, you can take responsibility for your life. You can be the hero of your own story!

Stand up, shake it off and take responsibility for your life!
This life is yours…

Homework : Write on Your Wall;

“My Life is My Responsibility!”

Dance of Consciousness and Subconscious

Let’s take a look at the following video produced by the BBC on the subject of “our choices”…

Neuroscience and Free Will

In the video, our hero decides to take a test to better understand how the brain works. The test he participates in is extremely simple. He has 2 buttons in his hands and he is inside an MRI machine. Whenever he thinks of something, he presses the right or left button without waiting. Meanwhile, the researcher observes what happens in the participant’s mind. And 6 seconds before the participant makes a decision, just by looking inside his mind, the researcher can predict which button the participant will press and when…
So the researcher knows, long before the participant himself, which key the participant will press and when…

So our decisions are made by our subconscious mind before we realise it. But there is a second very important point you need to understand here;
Our subconscious is in two-way communication with our consciousness!
In other words, our subconscious is not a mechanism that makes decisions on its own. It makes decisions in line with the previous experiences and intentions of our consciousness.


If you want to take responsibility for your life today, make this decision now! Your subconscious will support your decision. Remember;



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